The Role of Vitamin B12 in Autism: Benefits and Insights – My Spectrum Heroes

Autism and B12

Micronutrient deficiencies have been implicated for many years as a contributing factor for the progression of autism symptoms [1]. One nutrient in particular, vitamin B12, is usually significantly lower in children with autism in comparison to those who are typically developing [2].

According to research, methyl B12, which is a form the body absorbs more easily, promotes key cognitive processes that include perception, social communication, and attention [3, 4]. Therefore, a B12 deficiency can be especially detrimental for children with autism.

Fortunately, a clinical study recently showed that the administration of methyl B12 led to overall improvement in repetitive behavior, sociability, and communication for some children with this condition [5]. It is believed that methyl B12 improves the ability of cells throughout the body to regulate DNA activity.

This process is critical for turning a cell’s genes off and on at appropriate times. Previous research suggests that this pathway is impaired in children who have autism and this may account for symptoms such as repetitive movements, poor social skills, and withdrawn behavior, among others [3].

Other children in the intervention group did not demonstrate a significant improvement after being given methyl B12, but this was anticipated as the specific nutrient regimen each child needs varies dramatically [5].

However, the results of this important clinical study indicate that vitamin B12 supplementation is a key area of focus in addition to other micronutrients (e.g., vitamin A, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids) when establishing a nutritional management plan for children with autism. 

Not only does My Spectrum Heroes™ Multivitamin Mineral Plus contain the highest quality Methyl B12, in the form of Methyltetrahydrafolate, it also contains a nourishing blend of the vital nutrients shown to improve micronutrient status! 

Click here for more information on My Spectrum Heroes™ 


  1. Karhu E, Zukerman R, et al. Nutritional interventions for autism spectrum disorder. Nutr Rev. 2020;78(7):515-531.
  2. Metyas MM, et al. Screening of vitamin B12 in children diagnosed as Autism Spectrum Disorder. QJM. 2020;113(Supplement_1): hcaa063.006.
  3. James SJ, Melnyk S, Fuchs G, Reid T, Jernigan S, Pavliv O, Hubanks A, Gaylor DW. Efficacy of methylcobalamin and folinic acid treatment on glutathione redox status in children with autism. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;89(1):425-430.
  4. Ranjan S, Nasser JA. Nutritional status of individuals with autism spectrum disorders: do we know enough? Adv Nutr. 2015;6(4):397-407. 
  5. Hendren RL, et al., Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Methyl B12 for Children with Autism. JCAP. 2016;26(9):774-783.
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