The 10 Most Common Signs of ADHD Explained – My Spectrum Heroes

The 10 Most Common Signs of ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that can dramatically alter a child's way of life.

In particular, the symptoms of this disorder can make it hard to succeed academically or socially. The characteristic behaviors of ADHD are described below.

Ten Most Common ADHD Signs

  1. Hyperactivity and interrupting – Children with ADHD struggle to remain still long enough to focus on their settings. They also find it difficult to interpret emotional cues due to constantly racing thoughts. This causes them to frequently interrupt other people’s conversations or tasks.
  2. Trouble taking turns – Having ADHD also makes it hard to take turns due to the hyperactivity. The lowered ability to process or react to other people’s emotions makes taking turns difficult for children with ADHD as well. 
  3. Emotional dysregulation – A child who has ADHD has a hard time maintaining emotional control. This may result in outbursts of sadness, anger, or aggression throughout the day. Young children with this condition are especially prone to temper tantrums.
  4. Fidgeting – Children with ADHD typically struggle to sit still. They often fidget or squirm while seated, and frequently try to stand up and run around.
  5. May play loudly or in a rough manner – The constant need to fidget makes it hard for a child with ADHD to play calmly or quietly. Therefore, their playtime may become disruptive.
  6. Tasks often remain unfinished – ADHD causes the mind to constantly wander. This leads to interest in different activities. It also means that a child with this condition will frequently jump from one activity or task to the next, leaving projects, chores, homework, etc., unfinished.
  7. Lack of focus – The fidgeting and restless mind that is associated with ADHD reduces the ability to pay attention. This means that someone may be speaking directly to a child with this condition, but what is said may not be properly processed due to a lack of focus. The child may even say “I heard you,” but cannot repeat what was said.
  8. Avoids tasks that require prolonged mental effort – The inability to remain focused also leads to avoidance of tasks that necessitate a sustained effort. This includes paying attention in a classroom or taking the time to finish homework.
  9. Forgetfulness – Children who have ADHD often appear to be forgetful. They may forget to complete certain steps for their daily chores or parts of a certain task. For instance, children with ADHD may be asked to get dressed and forget to put on their shoes. They may even forget to put on a shirt that was just handed to them. 
  10. Make mistakes frequently – Following instructions is hard when the mind wanders constantly. Therefore, a child with ADHD tends to make frequent mistakes when performing tasks that require planning as well as the execution of a plan.

None of the symptoms that were described indicate a lack of intelligence, laziness, or simple behavioral problems.

This neurodevelopmental disorder makes it hard for children to process information, their settings, and other people’s feelings properly. Early diagnosis and intervention can greatly improve quality of life for children with ADHD.

Studies have shown that many of the common symptoms listed above may be improved with nutritional support. By addressing potential dietary deficits, My Spectrum Heroes™ ensures that children can receive the vitamins and bioactive compounds that are needed for the healthy growth and maturation of their brains and neurocognitive functions.

Since research has shown that children with ADHD may have food, dye and flavor sensitivities, our formula is extra gentle and made to our strictest standards with no unwanted additives. Our formulas avoid the use of any gluten, soy, casein, or artificial dyes, flavors, or sweeteners. Click Here to learn more


  1. Ougrin D, et al. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): review for primary care clinicians. London J Prim Care (Abingdon). 2010;3(1):45-51. 
  2. Hartman CA, Geurts HM, Franke B, Buitelaar JK, Rommelse NNJ. Changing ASD-ADHD symptom co-occurrence across the lifespan with adolescence as crucial time window: Illustrating the need to go beyond childhood. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2016;71:529-541.
  3. Rucklidge JJ, Eggleston MJF, Johnstone JM, Darling K, Frampton CM. Vitamin-mineral treatment improves aggression and emotional regulation in children with ADHD: a fully blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2018;59(3):232-246. 


ADHD ADHD Explained Signs of ADHD

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